Saturday, 9 June 2012

Time for Tea?

Tea is one of the most social (and cheap) drinks I know. Yet it is perfect just to sip at whilst lazing away those long afternoons with a book or a blog. And in these circumstancs who wants to be hanging around the kettle, when in those precious few minutes you could be doing something really useful. And have a steaming hot mug of tea to look forward to at the end.

So I have come up with a list of little, but important, things to do instead of waiting. Here it is so far, but feel free to come up with any more suggestions!

  • read the next few pages of that book which had you hooked from the minute you turned the first page
  • write a to do list
  • arrange biscuits (to eat with, or dip in, the tea) in patterns on a plate
  • give your room a quick tidy
  • arrange a pretty display of postcards and pictures for your wall
  • draft a letter
  • compose a playlist for your mood/ an upcoming event/ a friend
  • arrange to meet someone you miss
  • make a shopping list
  • quick exercise routine (less and often is the better option)
  • practice singing a song, learning a poem, memorizing a quote
  • sew on that button you keep forgetting about
  • do the washing up - there's no excuse, you're already in the kitchen!

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