Saturday 23 June 2012

Music to Your Life Pt. 2

Having already listed entire film soundtracks, I just briefly wanted to include some of those individual soundtrack songs.

Tuesday 12 June 2012

Music to Your Life

I *love* the Juno soundtrack. It is impossible to choose only a couple of the best songs, so here are a few tasters:
'So Nice So Smart' by Kimya Dawson
'Tree Hugger' by Kimya Dawson & Antsy Pants
'Expectations' by Belle & Sebastian

Saturday 9 June 2012

Time for Tea?

Tea is one of the most social (and cheap) drinks I know. Yet it is perfect just to sip at whilst lazing away those long afternoons with a book or a blog. And in these circumstancs who wants to be hanging around the kettle, when in those precious few minutes you could be doing something really useful. And have a steaming hot mug of tea to look forward to at the end.

So I have come up with a list of little, but important, things to do instead of waiting. Here it is so far, but feel free to come up with any more suggestions!

How Do You Live Your Life?

Dianna Agron once wrote that she is "trying to live her life with a sharpie marker approach. You can’t erase the strokes you’ve made, but each step is much bolder and more deliberate."

I think this is a great approach - no regrets, learn from yourself and become more confident.

What do you think?

Monday 4 June 2012

Disney Lessons

I grew up in the '90s, the heyday of Disney animation. I was a little blonde girl with dreams of finding my prince. I did chores and I had a step-father. In my eyes, this made me a real-life Cinderella. Cinderella was, and remains, my favourite Disney princess.

There are gems of advice scattered throughout the film:

Saturday 2 June 2012


I absolutely adore tea.

For the past few months my favourite has been Rooibos, or Red Bush. I was introduced to it one warm slow-motion morning as I was sat on a shaded veranda overlooking the beautifully rugged terrain of a foreign country. The moment is carved into my memory and I can picture those ancient blue mountains lazily jarring into the swathes of heat, the air buzzing and humming under the sun's morning intrusion. The lady who brought out the tea gave a personal recommendation, due to its ability to refresh the palate and cleanse you inside: she used to be a regular coffee drinker, which, debatably, caused her to argue with her children and be overly irritable, yet now she is drinking Rooibos she is happier and healthier. And it tastes delicious.

Friday 1 June 2012

A Couple of Holiday Snaps

 A beautiful beach just off the road, colder than it looks but such pretty colours.

Your comments are welcomed; please join in and share your thoughts!